Hi, I’m Sue…
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My greatest passion is Breakthrough Prayer,” which has been the heartbeat of the Missional Church Consultation Initiative and beyond. My newest book published by Abingdon Press, Flood Gates: Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church,” features detailed content on this theme.

My name is Sue Nilson Kibbey. I am an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, and currently serves on the West Ohio Conference’s executive staff as the Director of Missional Church Initiatives. I lead the Missional Church Consultation Initiative (MCCI), a rigorous 360-degree coaching and training effort for select congregations and their pastors who have been invited to participate as a way to jumpstart a new life cycle of ministry fruitfulness.  In the five years of its development, more than 70 congregations across four different United Methodist Conferences have moved off plateau/decline and forged forward through the intensive work of the MCCI.

My local church ministry service has included ten years as the Executive Pastor of Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, Ohio, partnering with lead pastor Mike Slaughter to engage and expand the congregation’s missional involvement to include deep discipleship and global impact.  I have also served for twelve years as director of ministries and interim senior pastor at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.

A few years ago I created Ministry by Strengths,” which utilizes Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder to help unleash and deploy church members to actively serve out of their strengths and unique areas of passion. I have authored five books, including Ultimately Responsible: When You’re In Charge of Igniting a Ministry which is used in seminaries, United Methodist Conferences and congregations across the country.  My speaking, training, coaching and consulting includes pastors, churches, bishops, and United Methodist conferences.  I also serve as an adjunct faculty member at United Theological Seminary, and teach the master of divinity “Leadership for Ministry” course each year.

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